Dreamtime revisited…

Howdy Y’all! I’ve been visited by a “novel” idea–heh, heh. I want to create a new edition of Dreamtime, the collection of adolescent poetry published in early 80s. The limited edition is not available for sale with my other books, so I thought…hmmmm, what about a do-over? Then I thought about adding artwork to illustrate the poems or to just add interest to the book. I have invited numerous artist friends to submit selections for inclusion in the new edition. Then I thought about other folks I don’t know who might be interested in submitting art for the book. Yay! Win win. So here’s an open invitation to submit your art for inclusion in my book of poetry. You retain all rights to your art. I’ll simply include it in the book, credit you as the artist, and I’m thinking I’ll include a listing of artists with contact info (on approval) in case there’s an interest in buying your work. Again–it’s a win win, so give it a chance, and submit.

More specifics–the poetry is about teenage love and nature. I welcome butterflies, birds, trees, flowers, ocean, pond, rivers, and any kind of water feature. I also have a few odd poems such as the one about the dark place, and the demons fighting in a cave, stocking issues, and dogs. Nature is the prominent feature. If you want more direction, email me at brickyard1800@yahoo.com and I’ll be happy to consult with you.

Let’s get going!