A Terrific Gift! The Raindrop’s Dream

Adalia Holtze and me!

I’m pleased to share this website page containing ordering opportunities for The Raindrop’s Dream. The book price $20.00 plus $3.00 shipping.  This adorable book makes a wonderful gift for a grandchild, niece, nephew, or even your child’s teacher!

My presentation at Mill Creek Elementary School in Statesboro, GA on November 17th, was a real treat for me, and I think the children enjoyed it. It is the school of Adalia Holtze, one of the young artists featured on the cover (the smiling sun) and in my book.  I was able to introduce her and recognize her art–such a delight. And her classmates (about 300 children) cheered and applauded. Two more school visits are in the works, but no dates set yet.

If you are interested in having me come to your school, church, or other venue to speak or conduct a poetry workshop, just contact me with proposed dates… (brickyard1800@yahoo.com). I’m happy to oblige.

Should you want additional book copies or faster delivery, please email me at brickyard1800@yahoo.com. Thank you!

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