1st novel!

Dark Shadows of Light is now available online in paperback or ebook. Search by Cherry Dawn Langley Chambers and you should see my last three published books! I just learned that Books a million has them, as well as Barnes and Noble.

I’m starting to do some out of area book promos and will soon be headed to my old stomping grounds (Columbus, Ga) to a Baker High School reunion (49 years for me…yikes!), and will be showing and telling about my novel. Much excitement in my world. Visit my FB page and see more.


Reflections and visions–Jan, 2019 update

My first novel is published!!!

I’m so pleased to announce publication of Dark Shadows of Light, my fourth book!

A few years in the making, my first novel is now available on Amazon.com in both ebook and paperback. Please check it out and read a free sample.

Dedicated to my alma mater, Baker High School, and the Lion Class of 1970, it is the story of a young woman’s choices and the dark roads those choices took her down. But go see for yourself, and tell me what you think!

Once I recover from the battle with technology, I’ll see about getting the purchase button put here on my website. In the meantime, you can always email me at brickyard1800 (it’s a yahoo.com address–link excluded due to spammers).

And now, I have begun preliminary exploration of old manuscripts to determine the direction for my next novel. I’m thinking I’ll go with that “haunting” tale set in the deep southern woods; add some supernatural twists, a few provocative characters, and lots of dogs!. Oh, yes, I’m definitely on a course for wild adventures and intrigue…


Dark Shadows of Light published!!!!

Greetings Faithful Five,

Just in case you didn’t hear my news…drum roll….

Dark Shadows of Light (my first novel!) launched on amazon.com on November 11th in e-book format. I’m almost finished with the paperback–just tweaking the format (table of contents is pesky), and I plan to have it ready for publication by the end of next week. It’s been a push, and several circumstances got in my way, but I’m nearly there. Yay! I’ll get a link posted as soon as I have an opportunity. Meantime, go to amazon.com and type in my full name under books. All of my books will pop up. Happy dance!

So now I’m actually to the point of planning my next novel. What???? Yes, I am.

It’s a suspenseful tale of mystery, malice, and much ado about nothing—or, possibly, not enough “ado” about everything. Either way, I’m excited by the prospect of watching yet another story develop and morph into a tale worth telling. It seems the muse has sloughed off its laziness and taken charge of my typing hands.

Okay then, check out my first novel Dark Shadows of Light, on amazon.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Random elf and me sharing the joy!


Greetings Faithful Five,

I’ve just completed uploading the ebook version of The Raindrop’s Dream and it appears that Amazon Publishing will have it ready in the next day or two. Just in time for the holidays

Meantime, I am hard at work tweaking my newest book, Dark Shadows of Light, which I hope to have available in ebook by the middle of the week. The paperback will follow shortly after. It has indeed been a labor of love to complete my first novel, but I am already looking forward to my next project. 

Thanks for following my progress! I’ll shout the news when the ebook is available.


Holding my breath!

Ahhh, my Faithful Five, it has indeed been long since my last post…sigh. It’s that dratted novel holding me up.

I am finished with the writing, but the formatting is a pain and verrrry time consuming. With regret, I admit I have exceeded my self-imposed deadline for publication, but I have hopes that by Thanksgiving, I will be giving thanks that the book is ready!

Watch for it…wait for it…

Dark Shadows of Light will soon be a reality.

Welcome back!

Hi Ya’ll,

Glad you decided to visit. I’m excited to share news about some new projects I have going. You must know by now (at least my Faithful Five know) that I just love trying new things, and I’m always fiddling around to make things different. So here’s a look at a new photo-graphics piece…


Isn’t that just neat? And here’s a look at my efforts to re-purpose a piece of scrap lumber discarded by my wonderful handyman, Frank…

Potted Plants acrylic 

So I know I’m not an artist, but isn’t this fun? I’m painting flower pots (five in all) on a long piece of scrap wood. I love the texture of the background. I plan to use the wood as the front side of a window box Frank is going to build for me. Yay!

Of course, all this play is keeping me from the bigger project–that pesky novel I keep talking about. It’s supposed to be to the printer by October, but that means I have to finish it! Woo hoo, I’d better get to it. So long for now.

Come in and look at my newest art!


Greetings Friends!

I’m channeling my artist persona, and recycling in the process!  Some construction yielded leftover wood scrap, so I snatched it up and voila! It’s going to become the front of a window box I’m making. I just can’t bear to throw things away–re-purpose is a great way to go.

Here’s another of the pots I planted, er…painted

I played with ceramics in an art class, but do much better painting it on wood than I did using clay!

And here’s another pot. When I finish, there will be five pots. Just so cute.

I hope you enjoyed this visit to my website. Do come again soon. I’ll be posting more info about my next children’s book AND that pesky novel I’m laboring to finish. So much to do, so little time! And yet, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Life is so good, but much too short!

Admit it, just admit it.

“Time Shift” is taken from the filming of a movie in downtown Brunswick, Ga …hmmm. What was the name of that movie. Oh my, it’ll come to me later…”something about fear of the dark. Or something at night.

Anyway, I love the juxtaposition of the past and the present. Look closely.

So I admit I’ve been lax in posting. Mia culpa. Disculpe….Si, I’ve been practicing my Spanish. I’m still not speaking it well, but I can speak some. And no, I haven’t tackled that dratted novel yet. I plan to get on it next month when I begin house-sitting for my terrific friend, Joanne. In the meantime, I am shooting photos, playing with photo-graphics (my own technique of creating interesting photographic products)–I’ll try to post a picture of the completed picture, assuming I remember that I want to do that. I’m also painting with friend and author, Jackie Strickland. She does nag me so about painting and writing!

So enjoy the pre-spring weather, and I’ll get back to painting the porch on my Craft Shack…

Here’s another shot of that movie set…Fear the Night? Sheesh, I just can’t remember…It was directed by Ben Afleck, if that helps. 🙂

Such fun seeing mainstreet turn back a century. Cool.