Haunting Visions coming soon!

My newest novel, Haunting Visions is about to be released and I can barely stand the suspense. Looking at early September for publication on Amazon. It’s the third novel in the All Her Visions series and sees Jessie coping with her confusing status– is she a 9/11 widow or not? Answers are just a few weeks away.

By the way, book four is moving forward…happy dance!

Happy Easter!

St Mark’s Episcopal Church, Brunswick, GA

Thanks for checking in. I’m writing and loving it! Working on the 3rd novel in All Her Visions series, and I’m really enjoying Jessie’s journey. Without giving anything away, I’ll say the developing story reveals strengthening characters as the plot thickens. I’m grinning now and channeling Sherlock Holmes…”the game’s afoot!”

All my books!

Something for everyone!

First Friday celebration of authors at Brunswick Library (Glynn County, GA) gave me a chance to show off all my books and some photography, too. Met some nice folks and have hopes for gaining a few more fans! Visit my new business facebook page, Quill and Feathers. I’m exploring more ways to use technology–always a challenge. Meanwhile, keep those drawings coming for the next two children’s books. Raindrops or dragons–your choice. Read about it in the Illustrators Wanted heading below.

Illustrators Wanted!

I’m sending out a call for artwork by children to be included in my next two children’s books. For details, click on the page above headed A call for your child’s art...

I want and need the inspiration provided by creative young minds to help me discover what adventures await the magic dragon and Tobias in Scales and Tales. Read all about it and check out “The Raindrop’s Dream” and share the invite with your friends and with the young ones in your life!

Gnomes, oh dear!

My latest novel is being invaded by gnomes! I’ve discovered that the little critters multiply when I’m not looking, and they’re showing up everywhere. Just when I was beginning to relax into Jessie and company’s everyday activities, wham! Another gnome is spotted. Sigh…what’s an author to do?

Moving Forward

Greetings Faithful Five!

Here’s an update on my newest novel under construction. I’m better than halfway through the writing portion–which always comes easy for me. But the edits, proofing, and formatting are forever challenges. So, I’m trying to do all at once which is slowing me down, but which should ultimately prove beneficial. HA! Perhaps Jessie and Eli will be married before summer’s end and heading West on their honeymoon.

As for the other characters, Aunt Vida and Uncle Gerald are past the Y2K bug without any problem, and Grams and Mr Pages are spooning (in the old sense of the word–courting). Jeffery is heading for a big surprise, and Cindy and Jackson are enjoying everything!

There. That’s all the tease you get for now. Please know that I am as eager to get this novel into your hands as you have said you are to get it! Thanks so much for your support. Now, back to the thickening plot.